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toronto film festival
Attention, New Yorkers: This Terrifying Rat Movie Will Make You Want to DieTo live in New York is to know that rats will eventually win, but to watch Morgan Spurlock’s new horror documentary, Rats, is to have that confirmed.
New York Rat Complaints SurgeThe internet videos were just the beginning.
stand clear of the closing doors
Giant Rat Crawls Onto Sleeping Subway RiderThis isn’t the first time this has happened, either.
important questions
reasons to love new york
The Pizza-Rat Taste-TestWe let some pies sit around our offices all day, then recruited a few discerning critics in a Chinatown park after dark.
New Yorkers Probably Hurting Rats’ Feelings With Increasing ComplaintsOn the other hand, “the Burning Man of rats” sounds like something worth complaining about.
urban vermin
Rat vs. PigeonUbiquitous-urban-vermin smackdown.
awful things
NYC Rats Are Even More Disgusting Than You ImaginedA recent study found some NYC rats carry fleas that can spread the bubonic plague.
ink-stained wretches
everything’s great when you’re downtown
gross things
bill de blasio’s new york
NYC Rats Are Even More Disgusting Than We ThoughtScientists tested 133 of them and found 18 unknown viruses.
rodents of unusual size
Health Concerns
disgusting things
stand clear of the trash piles
things that are gross
Dead Rat, Cash Money Found in Grocery Store FoodA dead rat in frozen lemonade would mess you up, too.
the racie for gracie
Joe Lhota Wants to Solve Your Rat ProblemThe ex-“rat czar” wants to finish the job.
Ew! Rat Ranks to Continue Rising in the City This SummerSo, looks like that crazy infestation at Green Eggs could be just the start of a long, hot rat-filled summer in Philly.
Oh Rats! Broken Pipe Sends a Flood of Rodents Into Green Eggs CafeIt literally could have happened at nay of the city’s restaurants.
FDA Raids Dessert Manufacturer’s Queens WarehouseLive rats, dead mice, and hot chocolate mix don’t, in fact, mix.
stand clear of the closing doors
The Subway Is Cleaner, Still Rat-Filled It’s preferable to rat-filled streets.
iran so far away
Iran Is Killing Giant Mutant Rats With SnipersThey’re like gross, creepy cats without the attitude problem.
Thanks to Sandy, It’s ‘Restaurant Week’ for RatsMany moved to the surface and discovered it was awesome.
The Ratpocalypse Has Been Canceled“We haven’t seen an increase in rats above ground caused by Hurricane Sandy,” a Health Department official tells us.
hurricane sandy
So What Happened to All of the Subway Rats?Did the rats drown in the storm? OR CLIMB TO THE SURFACE?
Video Feed
See a Mouse Scamper Through Fairway’s Olive BinsIt would be adorable if it weren’t so disgusting.
stand clear of the trash piles
Stunt Menus
Hunger Games in Rats and Humans; Curry’s Bloody BenefitsPlus the best dim sum in Hong Kong and more, all in our morning news round-up.
Stand Clear of the Closing Doors
State Senator Calls for Subway Food BanAlbany turns its attention to the issue of subway eating, citing rats.
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