If you’re eating something, put it down before you read the rest of this. Ready? A Long Island man named Neil Gold did a nice thing and went to the King Kullen grocery store in Commack, where he purchased his uncle Joe Valente’s favorite German apple-ring cake for his 96th birthday. “He’s had all their cake. He loves their cake. It has to be King Kullen,” explained Gold, who might have been mistaken for an advertisement for the store if he didn’t explain what happened next: After Uncle Joe took his first bite, he told his nephew that it “didn’t taste right.” Gold re-cut the cake and discovered “a line of black mold” leading to a gray rat tail that had been baked right into the treat.
The German apple-ring cake is a customer favorite, at least according to King Kullen’s website. In a statement, the store said that it had never had “rodent issues” in the past. King Kullen also dumped its cake supply as a precaution. “We are working hard to find out what happened,” the statement promised, though they’ll likely have trouble finding anyone who actually wants to hear about the results of that particular inquiry.