Colin Powell’s endorsement of President Obama in 2008 was a big deal, as far as endorsements go — which is to say that endorsements almost never matter, but this one mattered a little. Powell was not only a widely respected figure, but a widely respected Republican who had served in three GOP administrations. His endorsement helped to emphasize Obama’s crossover appeal and reassure America of his readiness to be commander-in-chief, all in one shot. On CBS This Morning, uh, this morning, Powell, lauding Obama’s foreign policy and his handling of a once-cratering economy, announced that he was endorsing the president for reelection. Powell’s still a good guy to have in your corner — and it would have been a devastating blow to Obama had Powell switched to Romney — but the endorsement won’t have nearly the same impact as it did in 2008, obviously. In fact, Powell had to confirm to the show’s hosts that he was, in fact, still a Republican. “I think I’m a Republican of a more moderate mold,” he said, “and that’s something of a dying breed, I’m sorry to say.”