After a bunch of false alarms, the actual Twitter account of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the suspected Boston bomber currently at the center of an intense manhunt, has been identified. In over 1,000 tweets, Tsarnaev takes on subjects as serious as Middle East politics and death and as carefree as Nutella and Breaking Bad. Overall, for the world’s most sought after terrorist, it’s an utterly ordinary Twitter feed.
Sons of Anarchy:
sons of anarchy that's that good good
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 13, 2012
Game of Thrones:
apparently, game of thrones is that shit!
— Jahar (@J_tsar) July 2, 2012
Key and Peele:
Karim And Jahar Arab Perverts #keyandpeele youtu.be/Uy5MHS1Bl_I
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 29, 2012
Breaking Bad:
breaking bad, that show is fucking ridiculous
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 16, 2012
@troycrossley lets not get ahead of ourselves now Troy, it's a good show but breaking bad we can relate to a little bit more, I like meth
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 14, 2013
Breaking Bad taught me how to dispose of a corpse
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 16, 2013
daaam cuuuh walter forced it this episode #breakingbad
— Jahar (@J_tsar) August 27, 2012
Losing the remote:
Not being able to find the remote to the tv is probably one of the most reoccurring struggles of life
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 17, 2013
im on that late night netflix life
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 29, 2012
Total Recall:
total recall sick movie #gethip
— Jahar (@J_tsar) July 1, 2012
Finding Nemo:
And here I thought nemo's dad was about to get it with dory but apparently this man turned into a female #thatscray
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 14, 2013
Bear Grylls:
bear grylls is the fucking man
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 2, 2012
MTV is garbage
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 27, 2013
i haven't met a kid who doesn't love spiderman, every little yg either pretends or considers himself spidey, i used to do the same shit
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 3, 2012
Paul McCartney songs:
maybe im amazed at the way you love me all the time
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 10, 2012
Dr. Dre songs:
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin to say but nothin comes out when they move their lips; just a bunch of gibberish
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 17, 2013
Peter Frampton songs:
ooh baby i love your way, everyday.
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 29, 2012
Rosemary Clooney songs:
Aye mambo, mambo Italiano
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 24, 2013
Michael Jackson songs:
you've been hit by a smooth criminal
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 5, 2012
Guns N' Roses songs:
take me down to paradise city, where the piff is loud and the girls are pretty
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 17, 2012
Rent songs:
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred miiinutes
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 28, 2013
Dam man I gotta make a tough decision here... Do I want to make these eggs scrambled or sunny side up
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 7, 2013
Peanut butter and jelly:
pb&j and easymac #weainthungrynomore
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 30, 2012
I was gonna go for a 6am run aha I'm joking I woke up to eat some Nutella
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 22, 2013
Peanut butter, fluff and nutella #iwentthere
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 9, 2013
waffles and smoothiees #latenightearlymorningbrunching
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 28, 2012
sausalito cookies, nuff said
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 12, 2012
pizzzzzzzzaaaaaa baaaabbyyy
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 20, 2012
Protein shakes:
protein milk shake yeaa we getting #big out here
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 12, 2012
Frosted Flakes:
frosted flakes, theeyyyyyy'rrrrree greaaaat
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 19, 2012
im in dumpling heaven right now
— Jahar (@J_tsar) July 13, 2012
New York:
I'm to the big apple
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 22, 2012
Lamb kebab #word new York got exactly what I need
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 22, 2012
New York is so ratchet on black Friday it's ridiculous, I'm to bed son
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 23, 2012
new york looks ill from afar but zoom in and it gets real dirty
— Jahar (@J_tsar) July 21, 2012
new york was #rockin
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 15, 2012
i dont believe in evolution but some people make me think otherwise
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 19, 2012
His car:
my car is worth like 4k and the beemer i want is only 6 aha #word
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 25, 2012
Getting high:
too high to go out? #girlscan'thandletheirsmoke ahaha i think i'll just relax my eyes for a couple mins too
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 4, 2012
drugs are a crutch for people who cant handle reality
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 14, 2012
i need a new phone my jacks #gahbage
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 5, 2012
Time management:
i suck at managing my time cuz there are so many distractions in college
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 8, 2012
Video games:
dudes getting emotional over fifa c'mon son #itsonlyagame
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 11, 2012
The police:
fuck fuck fuck the police but #happymothersday
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 13, 2012
The weather:
this is perfect weather, hot and fun without the sun
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 26, 2012
Being a lifeguard:
i didn't become a lifeguard to just chill and get paid, i do it for the people, saving lives brings me joy #lifeguardoftheyear
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 29, 2012
Miss U.S.A:
miss u.s.a is so sexy
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 4, 2012
sport is my addiction
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 8, 2012
i should give floyd a run for his money, we're about the same weight
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 6, 2012
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 26, 2013
Chris Bosh:
chris bosh jokes are the funniest
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 23, 2012
german's have some creative names, fucks with schweinsteiger tho
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 14, 2012
Pop-up ads:
pop up adds are the worst, on par with mosquitoes
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 18, 2012
Rubik's Cubes:
in like 5 minutes i can make a rubiks cube my bitch
— Jahar (@J_tsar) June 28, 2012
Im doing laundry?! at this time? #college
— Jahar (@J_tsar) October 25, 2011
using my high-school essays for my english class #itsthateasy
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 16, 2011
Zodiac signs:
dont think you know someone just because you read what their zodiac sign says #fuckswrongwithyou
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 16, 2011
text back with your titties on it
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 17, 2011
i sneeze when i look at the sun, thats not weird #normal
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 18, 2012
Time travel:
time travel
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 11, 2012
Growing a beard:
im trying to grow a beard
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 14, 2012
a decade in america already, i want out
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 14, 2012
guys who allow women to control them and make decisions for them are pathetic #growapair
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 14, 2012
Beer pong:
I am the best beer pong player in Cambridge. I am the #truth
— Jahar (@J_tsar) August 22, 2012
Coors Light commercials:
i love... burritos at 4 am! parties that never end! dogs that love cats! and, and twins!
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 15, 2012
@therealabdul_ you need to get Claritin clear
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 16, 2013
Getting a haircut:
Got me a haircut, I don't usually do those
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 13, 2013
The media:
Most of you are conditioned by the media
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 11, 2013
-you don't care that I smoke, right? -man, I wouldn't care if you shot yourself in the head ^friendship
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 10, 2013
I really don't like it when I have one ear pressed against the pillow and I start to hear my heart beat, who can sleep with all that noise
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 7, 2013
I hate these college desks, way too small to sleep on
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 7, 2013
I should of slept through this class, yes obama won and yea a lot of money wasspent #fuckpoliticalscience
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 7, 2012
Woke up at 8:50, made to class by 9:03#sleepovereverything
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 1, 2013
8 is not enough I need more #sleep
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 16, 2013
I feel kind of clever at night by putting my alarm far from my bed but I really hate myself in the morning for it
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 13, 2012
the only reason i'm not sleeping right now is because i drank like half a gallon of water, it's not safe to fall asleep
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 4, 2012
I slept 16 hours, that can't be healthy
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 8, 2012
waking up before my alarm is my greatest accomplishment of the day
— Jahar (@J_tsar) October 16, 2012
fuck, cant sleep
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 14, 2012
Buying gum:
I bought a pack of orbit today and the guy at the cash register asked if I wanted a bag. So I made him double bag it
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 26, 2013
There are enough worms for all the birds stop killing each other for 'em
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 6, 2013
Dogs are cool pets and all but letting one lick your face is a bit much #thatshitsgross #dirtydogs #dirtierhumans
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 1, 2013
:Living with this cat is straight torture, I'm not a cat person anymore
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 24, 2012
my cat's attack technique is killer
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 11, 2012
my cat's attack technique is killer
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 11, 2012
We're best friends already, fuck my allergies tho twitter.com/J_tsar/status/…
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 10, 2012
"Studying" is just a combination of the words student and dying
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 28, 2013
I killed Abe Lincoln during my two hour nap #intensedream
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 13, 2013
My roommate talks in his sleep, when he does I respond, that must alter his dreams a lil bit
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 23, 2013
I can't seem to drift away into the land of dreams #ditty
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 21, 2013
I had the scariest dream last night man when I woke up I was so relieved that it was only a dream
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 12, 2012
Why text first when you can just wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, complain about texting first on twitter, wait, wait, wait.
— Jahar (@J_tsar) February 6, 2013
Cambridge got some real, genuinely good people but at the same time this city can be fake as fuck just like any other town #upholdthereal
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 16, 2013
:Money is overrated, it's not the only thing that brings happiness, hmm what else can I say to soothe my soul before I get paid this Friday..
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 14, 2013
Hello, my name is Monday and I hate people.
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 14, 2013
Dam shame when you mess up a good tweet with a typo
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 11, 2013
What's with dudes telling other dudes to shave, c'mon son no one wants to hear that
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 10, 2013
I need to go back to school, no freedom out here for a brother #imlockeduptheywontletmeout
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 7, 2013
Being a hermit:
I've become a hermit
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 3, 2013
Foreign to racism, never been a part of it
— Jahar (@J_tsar) October 22, 2012
Idk why it's hard for many of you to accept that 9/11 was an inside job, I mean I guess fuck the facts y'all are some real #patriots #gethip
— Jahar (@J_tsar) September 2, 2012
chechen dudes holding down russia with all of their gold medals
— Jahar (@J_tsar) August 3, 2012
proud to be from #chechnya
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 29, 2012
freedom, we could use some of that especially where we from
— Jahar (@J_tsar) May 1, 2012
The Arab-Israeli conflict:
I was going to make a joke about Hamas but it Israeli inappropriate
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 28, 2012
Free Palestine
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 28, 2012
I don't argue with fools who say islam is terrorism it's not worth a thing, let an idiot remain an idiot
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 16, 2013
I meet the most amazing people, spent the day with this Jamaican Muslim convert who shared his whole story with me, my religion is the truth
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 31, 2012
Brothers at the mosque either think I'm a convert or that I'm from Algeria or Syria, just the other day a guy asked me how I came to Islam
— Jahar (@J_tsar) December 25, 2012
this man steven changed his name to Muhammad doing big things this #ramadan
— Jahar (@J_tsar) July 28, 2012
some people are just misunderstood by the world thus the increase of suicide rates
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 17, 2012
To be honest, I don't care for those people that wanna commit suicide, your life b, do what you think will make you happy #selfishbastards
— Jahar (@J_tsar) January 19, 2013
you guys know that the suicide rate for active duty american soldiers is at an all time high for 2012, a suicide a day, whats the #problem?
— Jahar (@J_tsar) November 28, 2012
Death is the destroyer of all pleasures
— Jahar (@J_tsar) March 6, 2013
one day you will close your eyes, forever.
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 12, 2012
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
— Jahar (@J_tsar) April 6, 2012