• Brian Tierney, the ad executive who bought the Philadelphia Inquirer, is interested in bidding on Dow Jones. [DealBook/NYT]
• Women’s Wear Daily is the latest paper to sell ads on its front page; the crass commercialism doesn’t seem to bother anyone these days. [NYT]
• The Newspaper Guild of New York (representing Time, Fortune, Fortune Small Business, Money, People, and Sports Illustrated) accuses Time Inc. of bargaining in bad faith. [Romenesko]
• Is it ever a bad time to be an M.B.A.? Demand for the business-school grads is soaring again. [Deal Journal/WSJ]
• Lazard biotech analyst Joel Sendek leaves singing voice mails for his clients. [Fortune via CNNMoney]
• After IBM dodged $1.6 billion in income taxes, the IRS is rushing to block a tax shelter that converts corporate profits. [NYT]
• Lawyers should stay off corporate boards, especially if they do work for the public company in question. [Law Blog/WSJ]
• Should the billable hour be banned to keep women in the workforce longer? [The Recorder]
• This year’s batch of Supreme Court clerks: Fourteen out of 37 of them are women, and only 33 are white!
• Damien Hirst is getting into the jewelry biz. The artist has created charm bracelets with pills for charms. [British Vogue]
• Defying all logic, the launch of Sarah Jessica Parker’s Bitten line caused a mob scene. [Racked]
• Models at Dior’s couture show and 70th anniversary at Versailles have to report eight hours before the show starts for makeup duty. [Downtown Darling]