Coney Island: Turn your bike into a seahorse for this Saturday’s 25th annual Mermaid Parade. [OnNYTurf]
Downtown Brooklyn: Were those Duffield Street houses really part of the Underground Railroad? You’ve heard the debate … now watch the mini-documentary. [McBrooklyn]
East Village: Peter Cooper Village touts itself as “eighty acres of tranquility,” but skips the part about expensive rents and distance to a subway. [Copyranter]
Kensington: An assisted-living center magically transformed itself into student housing. Pay $13,000 a year for a fancy dorm. [Courier via Kensington]
Park Slope: You might want to go out on Saturday night. Your neighbors plan on making lots of noise on their stoops at 8:31 p.m. [Dope on the Slope]
Rego Park: Loehmann’s joins Century 21 as yet another coming-soon destination for bargain-rate fashions here. [The Real Deal via QueensCentral]
Williamsburg: North 9th and 10th streets from Driggs to Roebling will sport a new development soon. But what will it look like? [Gowanus Lounge]