Despite the outrage of his blonde-robot “culture warriors” in this clip from The O’Reilly Factor last night, the man himself was surprisingly tolerant (for him) of a cartoon video supposedly created by a gay group and being shown to elementary-school kids in California to teach them tolerance of cross-dressing. In fact, in an extremely rare occurrence, we actually sort of agree that this video’s existence as an elementary-school teaching tool is at least baffling, and at worst a reinforcement of that weird homophobic stereotype that all gay men want to dress like or be ladies. We’re not offended by it (though the suggestive dance the cross-dressing guy does for the two other guys would be considered way inappropriate if he were female) — we just don’t really get why it exists, either. (But just so we don’t sound too much like Bill O’Reilly supporters, we’ll add that maybe this strange moment of tolerance stems from something in O’Reilly’s past. Do they make bikinis out of falafel?)