The D.C. Council voted 11–2 today to legalize same-sex marriages. They’ll vote on the same bill again and pass it again on December 15 (they vote on everything twice for some reason), at which point mayor Adrian Fenty will sign it into law sort of! Congress still has the power to overturn the legislation within 30 days of Fenty’s signature, though the top Republican on the House committee overseeing D.C. thinks that Nancy Pelosi would never allow the body to hold a vote on it. Meanwhile, a lawsuit by the group Stand4MarriageDC is seeking to put the question of gay marriage to a popular vote via ballot referendum, and we know how those often turn out. For now, though, it seems that D.C. will soon join Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Iowa, and Massachusetts as the newest member of the exclusive gay-marriage club. So get real used to seeing images like the one in this blog post, Sam Brownback (to pick one person who will not appreciate such images)!