
Immigration Reform Is Next on President Obama’s Agenda

Okay, it’s official: President Obama is a masochist. How else could you explain his decision to tackle immigration reform? Next week Obama plans to bring attention to the issue by meeting with Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham to discuss an immigration-reform bill they’ve been working on for a few months. Obama’s hoping to get Congress moving on a bill before the midterm elections turn everyone into a self-preservation machine.

According to the L.A. Times, the outline of a Schumer-Graham bill would include creating a “path toward citizenship” for the almost 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. The path, which would include registering with the government, paying a fine, and paying taxes, is almost certain to polarize Congress and the country, just as much the health-care bill has. And, like with the health-care bill, Obama plans to rely on Congress to figure it out. Well, at least he’s consistent.

Obama To Meet With Schumer, Graham About Immigration Reform [HuffPo]

Immigration Reform Is Next on President Obama’s Agenda