Sarah Palin is nothing if not a good self-promoter, and after President Obama mocked her credibility on nuclear-weapons issues last night, she was bound to embrace the opportunity to further escalate the war of words with her big, highly anticipated speech to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference today. And she did, by questioning President Obama’s own nuclear expertise. “Now, the president, with all the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer, and as a part-time senator, and as a full-time candidate, all that experience, still no accomplishment to date with North Korea and Iran.” The rest of the speech was really nothing special. Palin talked about energy policy; quoted Bill Clinton’s notorious “fairy tale” line; took a swipe at the optics of Obama’s nuclear-policy announcement by, oddly enough, basically describing George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” disaster; and, oh yeah, made yet another palm-notes joke. Check out the best parts in less than two minutes.