Do New York City moms really encourage their daughters to be “It” girls, socially powerful young women with exciting dating lives? So says a few episodes of Gossip Girl, and also Susan Shapiro Barash, a professor at Marymount Manhattan and the author of the new book, You’re Grounded Forever … But, First, Let’s Go Shopping, so a woman with a monetary investment in that idea. But she has done studies and research!
“[New York moms] send their daughters to the dermatologist, to shrinks and to tutors at an earlier age than anywhere in the country,” the Post reports. “Seventy percent of the mothers Barash interviewed felt they didn’t set enough limits.”
Some moms just can’t help themselves when their adorable13-year-old wants to look sexier, they say:
Eh, spoiling your child seems more like a decades-old New York tradition than a trend.
NY mothers push daughters to become ‘it girls’ instead of making them obey rules [NYP]
Related: All Joy and No Fun [NYM]