scientist-pandas of the jungle!!!!

To Fool Baby Panda, Human-Shaped Chinese Scientists Sport Panda Suits

Human workers from the Hetaoping Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda in China prepare a four-month-old giant panda cub for the wild by dressing up in panda suits. Yay!!! Also: what??? The endangered animal, which lives in a “seemingly natural habitat where it is monitored by hidden cameras,” is dependent on humans for survival. We have so many questions! Won’t he be confused when the real giant pandas don’t walk upright or have five hairless fingers? Does he wonder why his adorably muddy fur isn’t as clean and white? Are they predisposing him to a life of furry conventions and plushie festishes? Why is one panda-scientist’s headpiece so much bigger than the other’s? If they bothered to wear panda suits, why did they transport him from his tree house in a non-woodland-native blue plastic box? Please excuse us now; we fell down some kind of panda-picture hole and can’t seem to find our way out.

My mum swears she’s a panda, but I’m not sure [Daily Mail UK via Buzzfeed]

To Fool Baby Panda, Human-Shaped Chinese Scientists Sport Panda Suits