In his now-infamous sit-down with CNN’s Piers Morgan a week ago, Herman Cain confounded an entire nation by sounding pro-life and pro-choice all at once. Morgan himself was particularly perplexed. “I didn’t understand what he was saying,” Morgan told us at a Lincoln Center gala honoring Ralph Lauren last night. “On the one hand, he was saying he didn’t believe in abortion under any circumstances and then he was saying he believed in peoples’ right to choose. Well, you can’t have it both ways.” So befuddling was the interview that it even left Morgan unsure about how to label his own beliefs on abortion. “Whether I was pro-choice or pro-life, I couldn’t decide which way I should be after talking to him,” Morgan joked. “So, lots of confusing positions I thought that he adopted! Having said that, I found him an engaging character, very charismatic, but if he’s serious about running for president, he’s got to sort out his position on key issues.” Oh Piers, you and your radical political advice.