no he cain't

Herman Cain Gets Secret Service Security Detail

MIAMI, FL - NOVEMBER 16: Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain greets people during a campaign visit to Versailles, a Cuban restaurant, in the Little Havana neighborhood on November 16, 2011 in Miami, Florida. Cain was in South Florida on a campaign swing. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Joe Raedle/Getty Images Photo: Joe Raedle/2011 Getty Images

After a spate of awkward media ambushes, Herman Cain has applied for and received a big security boost. Federal agents will now follow and protect the beleaguered candidate on the trail.

To be fair, though Cain may be going a bit too far, Bachmann does have a former Secret Service agent in her detail. As Ed Rollins, her former campaign manager, put it: “Michele is small, so I felt I needed to have someone there to protect her.”