Self-help duo Lynne Rosen and John Littig, known for their monthly radio show “The Pursuit of Happiness,” were found dead in their Park Slope apartment, suffocated with plastic bags and helium. Each left behind a note, the Daily News reports, but their bodies were not discovered for up to a week.
The soft-spoken couple owned a life-coaching business called Why Not Now and preached a mission “designed to help foster and encourage your inner strengths, identify hidden and untapped resources, and put you confidently on the path to designing the life you’ve always wanted to live.” Their websites are littered with quotes like “The secret to getting ahead is getting started” and “It’s always too early to quit.”
“People get scared to make changes, right, and to step out of that comfort zone,” said Rosen on a recent episode of her show. “I’m doing lots of different things in terms of my own life and developing now … It’s very exciting to change and to grow.”
“No change, no life,” said Littig.