Micky Hurley is one half of the wealthy, Upper East Side–dwelling Chilean couple accused of essentially enslaving a nanny for three months. So that’s already one strike against him. Now a Chilean newspaper is reporting that Hurley, an interior designer (who once graced the pages of this very magazine), also said the very most condescending thing that a rich socialite has ever said. It happened over e-mail during a dispute with a Chilean photographer who claimed Hurley owed him money. Here is the translation, via Gawker. Get ready. It’s so bad.
Listen you poor, miserable, ROTEQUE [Ed note: “Roteque” does not have a direct translation to English. It implies someone from a lower class and is an incredibly offensive word. The most awful adjective you can think of], low-born social climber. Delete your grubby photos. DON’T COME THREATENING ME YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE SHIT. NEVER. Remember, you are ALWAYS going to be from a different class, you were born where you were born, and even if you were reborn a billion times, you will never have a Baroness for a grandmother like me.
Between his cruelty to his maid, his wealth, and his unbelievable haughtiness, Hurley is basically an amalgamation of all the evil Disney characters.