Before opening this week’s issue of The New Yorker, brace yourself for a rare design update. The table of contents, contributors page, Briefly Noted, and Fiction sections will see subtle tweaks, such as a change in the number of columns and a new secondary font. “Goings On About Town” will see the biggest shift, with a “more distinctive presentation” of the opening image and less detail on the listings. “It’s a living thing. It should also have a sense of fun and improvisation and experiment,” editor David Remnick tells the New York Times. “You want to know where the theater is? It’s a Google search away.” Apparently the diaeresis lives on, so readers will be able to comprehend words like “coöperate” and “reëlect” without turning to Google.
Update: The magazine’s creative director, Wyatt Mitchell, describes the changes in the video below.