In an exclusive interview with NBC’s Ann Curry, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani denounced ISIS’s mass slaughters as un-Islamic, adding that “killing and beheading of innocent people in fact is a matter of shame for them and it’s the matter of concern and sorrow for all the human and all the mankind.” ISIS militants, he said, “want to kill humanity.”
Unfortunately for Rouhani and Iran, ISIS doesn’t really consider the majority-Shiite state properly Islamic anway. The country, which borders Iraq to the east, has already seen some ISIS-linked attacks, and the militant organization has made wiping out Shiite shrines a priority in its brutal campaign.
At this rate, Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei may have to rethink his dismissal of working with the U.S. to stop ISIS. He should probably start by no longer referring to the terrorist group as “Takfiri mercenaries of western intelligence services.”
You know, the whole “enemy of my enemy” shtick?