An iPhone lock-screen can say a lot about a person. For example, a device still using the pre-set wallpaper might say this person is chill and dgaf.(That or this person doesn’t know how to use their phone.) And a phone with a user who selected a personal photo might scream nostalgia or possible vanity. (I have not changed my lock screen in months because I’ll be damned if it isn’t the best picture of me from the past year.)
All these are fine options, but as it turns out there is only one good choice for a truly excellent lock screen: Kayne West. Twitter user @michaellbutlerr shared a picture of his iPhone screen yesterday, which features a shot of West, hands raised to the sky, from West’s Yeezy Season 3 presentation at Madison Square Garden earlier in 2016. The arms are positioned just right, so every time @michaellbutlerr gets a notification it looks like West is holding it above his head, like some kind of modern-day iOS Atlas.
Thank you, Kayne and Michael, for the inspiration. (I’m still not changing my wallpaper.) In case you’re looking to change up your lock screen, do what you will with the image below. (Not that I’m suggesting you illegally download this picture. I would never do that.)