Protests against President Trump’s anti-immigrant executive actions — particularly the one on Friday that banned refugees and citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S. — expanded and spread on Sunday. These followed numerous large protests at American airports on Saturday, which immediately came together after news spread that U.S. visa-holding immigrants were being detained and deported by border authorities at various ports of entry after being caught in limbo by Trump’s order. On Sunday, crowds large and small amassed in numerous cities and airports throughout the U.S., continuing a nationwide backlash to Trump’s immigration policies. Below are some images and videos of those crowds as shared on social media.
Thousands took to Manhattan’s Battery Park to protest Trump’s executive order. Public speakers included Mayor de Blasio, Democratic senators Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Cory Booker, as well as Democratic representatives Carolyn Maloney and Nydia Velázquez:
A huge protest also took place in Boston’s Copley Square, where speakers included Democratic senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, as well as Boston mayor Marty Walsh:
There were also big crowds in Washington, D.C.:
And the protests continued for a second day at Dulles International Airport as well:
The protests at Dallas Fort Worth Airport continued into Sunday, too:
Sunday night protesters appear to have shut down at least part of Los Angeles International Airport:
There’s also another protest in Denver:
At Philadelphia International Airport:
And in Pittsburgh as well:
In Cleveland:
In San Francisco:
In Birmingham, Alabama:
Also in Atlanta:
And at Orlando International Airport:
And in Kansas City:
Plus in Detroit:
Also in Portland, Oregon:
And in Portland, Maine:
In Charlotte, North Carolina, also:
And in Providence, Rhode Island at the State House:
Protests are also set to continue for a second night at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport starting Sunday. Here’s what the scene looked like there during the massive protest on Saturday night:
And here is an apparent demonstration from a Chicago suburb on Sunday as well:
A new protest is also planned in Seattle’s Westlake Park on Sunday night. Here is what the protest at Seattle-Tacoma Airport looked like on Saturday: