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Politics As Unusual

  1. politics as unusual
    Are Republicans Doing Better Because They Are Hotter?That’s what Andrea Peyser suspects.
  2. redemption
    Obviously, Christine O’Donnell Has No Plan to Leave the Public Eye Anytime SoonPolitical defeat will only strengthen her resolve to impose herself and her values on you.
  3. early and awkward
    President Obama Is Going to Try to Blow Up Ships With a Sun-Powered Death RayPresumably this episode will also test the myth about Barack Obama’s ability to perform miracles.
  4. politics as unusual
    Christine O’Donnell Is ‘Currently Taking Applications for a Husband’Eccentric Republican seeks same.
  5. who’s laughing last liberals?
    Christine O’Donnell Hires Carly Fiorina’s Ad ManExpect demon sheep.
  6. politics as unusual
    There Is a Naked-Networking Club in D.C.And it doesn’t sound pretty.
  7. politics as unusual
    Heidi Montag Says No to PlasticFunny or Die continues with its strange conquest for a Consumer Protection Agency.
  8. politics as unusual
    We Have Officially Come Full Circle on Anti-Gay Legislators Who Are GayAt first it didn’t make sense to us. Then it did. Now it doesn’t again.
  9. politics as unusual
    How Do You Make a Video With All of the SNL Presidents and Have It Not Be Funny?That just doesn’t seem possible. And yet it is.
  10. politics as unusual
    CPAC Attendees to Pummel Pelosi PiñataThere will also be a Harry Reid punching bag.
  11. the shire
    Clinton Campaign-Office Hostage-Taker on the LamThe deranged man who captured the nation’s attention in 2007 cut off his monitoring bracelet and hasn’t been seen since.
  12. politics as unusual
    Illinois Democratic Lieutenant Governor Candidate Drops OutYou may be wondering why you should care about this.
  13. politics as unusual
    Carly Fiorina Is an Internet GeniusThere is literally no other way to explain her latest political attack ad.
  14. the nadir of civilization
    Khloe Kardashian Meets Barack ObamaWhen the Lakers were honored at the White House today, there was yet another made-for-reality-TV moment.
  15. politics as unusual
    Matt Drudge Wants Scott Brown to Be His Hot, Naked PresidentHe’s not the only one.
  16. politics as unusual
    There Are Just Some Things Spitzer Tell-all Writer Lloyd Constantine Won’t DivulgeLike whether Spitzer is still talking to him, for example.
  17. politics as unusual
    Forget Haiti. You Know Who Has It Really Hard? Congressional Staffers“Sometimes the only chance you have to eat are hors d’oeuvres at parties.”
  18. politics as unusual
    ‘Allegedly Hunky’ Peter Orszag Is Stuck Between a Babe and a Nerd PlaceThe low-key budget director is flummoxed by recent tabloid attention.
  19. politics as unusual
    ‘That’s Mister Comptroller to You, Underling’John Liu has insisted upon a new level of formality in his office.
  20. politics as unusual
    Capitol Shut Down Over Reports of Man With GunWashington’s Capitol Police just alerted congressional offices that the entire complex has been locked down.
  21. politics as unusual
    Report: R. Allen Stanford Asked Representative Gregory Meeks to Get Help From ChavezThe alleged Ponzi-schemer asked the New York representative for help in punishing a whistle-blower.
  22. Announcing the Winners of the Political Fictions Contest!You guys did great!
  23. politics as unusual
    Gingrich Mulling Run for PresidentBut only if he’s “required as a citizen.”
  24. politics as unusual
    Friends Want Roger Ailes to Run for President in 2012Related: We want Tina Fey to run for governor.
  25. politics as unusual
    President Obama Said the Words ‘Bill Thompson’ Tonight!But was it an endorsement?
  26. politics as unusual
    Meghan McCain Has One Thing Ann Coulter Will Never HaveWell, two things.
  27. politics as unusual
    Obama Asks Paterson to Drop Out of the 2010 RaceGovernor is reportedly “resistant.”
  28. politics as unusual
    Anderson: Obama Averts a Spiritual WaterlooThe health-care debate had become so inane it seemed to prohibit the basic conditions of good speechmaking. My preemptive cynicism turned out to be both very right and very wrong.