Displaying all articles tagged:

The Clintons

  1. dynasty warriors
    2016 Is the Latest Bump in the Long Clinton-Bush FriendshipNow that Jeb and Hillary are both in, the presidential pals are officially rivals again.
  2. the clintons
    The Clintons Managed to Avoid a Tony Rodham ScandalThough Hillary’s brother would “hound” Bill for help with his project in Haiti.
  3. the clintons
    The Clinton Foundation’s Behind-the-Scenes Battle With a Charity Watchdog GroupAfter landing on a high-profile watch list, the Clinton group is fighting to recover its good name.
  4. ‘Clinton Cash’ Inspires a Few Conservatives to Defend Clinton The people defending Hillary Clinton after questions about the Clinton Foundation’s finances.
  5. the clintons
    Clinton Foundation Says It ‘Made Mistakes,’ But Bribery Wasn’t One of ThemThe lack of evidence didn’t prevent Newt Gingrich from accusing the Clintons of “clearly illegal” behavior.
  6. the clintons
    Did Hillary Back Foreign Deals Due to Clinton Foundation Donations?New reports raise lots of questions, but so far there’s no proof.
  7. If Hillary Is Elected, We Can Call Bill ‘Adam’And brace ourselves for lots more dad humor.
  8. Why Political Dynasties Are Good for WomenWomen candidates need a nudge.
  9. politics
    How Well Does the Clinton Brand Still Play in the Conservative South?Tough midterm races for Democrats are testing the brand.
  10. babies
    Clintons’ ‘Royal Baby’ Steals Real Royal Baby’s Style, Tabloids AllegeCharlotte Clinton Mezvinsky wore white while exiting the hospital, just like Prince George.
  11. the most important tabloids in the world
    New York Post Welcomes Clinton BabyWe wouldn’t expect anything less. 
  12. the clintons
    Chelsea Clinton’s Baby Is Here, and She Didn’t Name It Liam [Updated]Clinton and husband Marc Mezvinsky went with Charlotte.
  13. Politico Picks a Name for Chelsea Clinton’s BabyBased on the top names in Iowa and New Hampshire.
  14. the clintons
    Chelsea Clinton Gets Paid a Lot to Speak, TooBut she doesn’t keep it.
  15. hillary watch
    Hillary: College Speaking Fees Go to FoundationShe’s donated a year and a half’s worth to the Clinton Foundation.
  16. the clintons
    Clintons Avoid Estate Taxes Despite Support for Estate Taxes Those loopholes can be pretty irresistible.
  17. the clintons
    Clinton Says Family Was ‘Dead Broke’ in 2000She and Bill were “dead broke” when they left the White House.
  18. the clintons
    Clinton Smashed Mirror Over Qatar’s World CupAnd then he may have gotten even. 
  19. the clintons
    Chelsea Clinton’s Mother-in-Law Loses House BidThe Clinton dynasty isn’t unstoppable.
  20. flashbacks
    Monica Lewinsky Is Finally BackIt’s time to stop “tiptoeing around my past — and other people’s futures.”
  21. the clintons
    Chelsea Clinton Is Pregnant!America’s version of a royal baby cometh.
  22. the clintons
    Bill Clinton Does a Hillary Impersonation on TwitterIt’s an April Fool’s prank, we hope.
  23. the clintons
    Kimmel Asks Clinton About 2016, Gets SelfieIt’s better than nothing, sort of.
  24. 90s nostalgia
    The Most ’90s Moments in the New Clinton Document DumpThousands of emails and memos from the Clinton White House are now public.
  25. hillary 2016?
    Rand Paul: Forget the ‘War on Women,’ Let’s Talk About Monica LewinskyAnd how Bill Clinton treated her.
  26. bill de blasio’s new york
    Bill Clinton Will Swear In Bill De Blasio You should have gotten those inauguration tickets when you had the chance.
  27. the clintons
    Now Chelsea Clinton Is Being Pressured to Run for President TooPresumably after making the Clintons grandparents.
  28. the clintons
    Hanging Out With the Clintons Not As Fun As Political Junkies Might Think“We don’t talk about ‘politics’ politics as much as people think,” says Bill.
  29. huma abedin
    Huma Abedin’s Murky Role at State Department Under ScrutinyThe scope of her four Clinton-related jobs is unclear.
  30. real estate
    The Clintons Had Trouble With Their East Hampton Security DepositBut they “didn’t make a fuss about it.”
  31. weinergate forever
    Clinton Team Quietly Helps Weiner Campaign They still hate Anthony, but won’t abandon Huma.
  32. the racie for gracie
    Do the Clintons Want Anthony Weiner to Quit the Mayoral Race?Entirely possible.
  33. private citizens just trying to enjoy private life
    People Are Willing to Pay Hillary Clinton a Lot of Money to Speak to ThemTalks go for $200,000 a pop.
  34. the clintons
    Chelsea Clinton Is the James Franco of Presidential KidsShe has yet another job.
  35. the racie for gracie
    Clintons to New Yorkers: Stop Trying to Drag Us Into Your Mayoral ElectionThey won’t be running, or telling you who to vote for.
  36. the clintons
    Paul Ryan Praises Clinton, But Which One?Either way, it proves that he’s very committed to sniping at President Obama.
  37. the clintons
    Bill Clinton Will Hang Out With You, for a PriceHow else will he get the $73,000 to pay off Hillary’s debt?
  38. the clintons
    Bill Clinton Still Has No Idea Whether Hillary Will Run for President He does have some ideas about the 47 percent, though. 
  39. the clintons
    Chappaqua Braces for Clintons’ DepartureLocals fret over their post–State Department plans.
  40. the clintons
    Bill Clinton Will Be ‘Happy’ If Hillary Runs for PresidentAnd he’ll be happy if she doesn’t, too! 
  41. the most important wedding in the world
    Bill Clinton Is Going to Try So Hard to Not Upstage Chelsea at Her Wedding“But I may not be able to do it.”
  42. the clintons
    Chance to Spend ‘a Day in New York’ With Bill Clinton Just a Donation AwayAn effort to make up the $771,000 in debt owed by Hillary after failed presidential bid.
  43. no fat wedding pictures
    Chelsea Clinton Put Her Father on a Wedding DietTo be fair, it is a summer wedding.
  44. ballsy crime
    Hassan Nemazee Fooled Banks TwiceAt least!
  45. intel
    Dick Morris Is Still Mad at the ClintonsThe Clintons’ consultant turned tormentor talks to us about his new book, ‘Fleeced,’ and why he’s still so ticked off at his old employers.