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Adam Sternbergh

February 5, 2007 |
Tune In to the Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations!

Just as your disappointment fades over last fall’s new shows (Standoff), here come the midseason premieres to re-stoke your excitement.

January 8, 2007 | Feature
The Education of Pam Grier

Foxy Brown is now a rapper, and Beyoncé is a star. Where does that leave this bad-ass lady?

January 8, 2007 | Feature
The Knights of Prosperity
December 25, 2006 |
Because What’s the Point of Being Funny in Wisconsin?

Adam Sternbergh spoke to Ben Karlin about what he thinks is funny (not much) and his future plans.

December 25, 2006 |
Because You Don’t Need a Plane Ticket to Go to a Foreign Country

You can cheat on New York with New York. Just grab a map. Clear a weekend. Catch a subway.

December 25, 2006 | Arts
’Tis the Season for the Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations!

New York Magazine's holiday buzz and backlah report.

December 11, 2006 | Features
If You Lived Here, You’d Be Cool by Now

Ever get the feeling that the New York of your dreams is happening elsewhere? These days, the half-life of a hotneighborhood can be measured in mere weeks. To find the optimal balance of commodious bistros, tasteful urban decline, and cheap(ish) rent before it disappears, run like hell to...Jersey City?

November 27, 2006 | Feature
Clarification: World War II Spy Movie or Sainted Bohemian?

The difference between 'The Good German' and 'The Good Witch'.

November 20, 2006 | Feature
Slow Death at 6:30 P.M.

The faces have changed. The problems remain. How to make network news relevant again.

November 13, 2006 | Intelligencer
Home on the Range

Gun-shy New Yorkers learn to defend themselves while embracing their inner Dirty Harry.