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Adam Sternbergh

January 21, 2008 | Intelligencer
The Power of Zhlub

Goose Gossage is a regular guy who did one thing well.

January 14, 2008 | Intelligencer
One Man Against a Monologue

With the return of Letterman and Leno, the writers' strike hits home.

December 24, 2007 |
40. Because Strike Be Damned, You Can See an Emmy-Winning TV Show in a 150-Seat Theater

If you’d been sitting close enough to the backstage curtain at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre you might have heard Stephen Colbert’s first word to his writers after their live performance of The Colbert Report: �Perfect.�

December 24, 2007 |
18. Because Brangelina Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

Frankly, we love New York whether they live here or not.

December 24, 2007 |
17. Because the Yankees are the New Red Sox

Less than 24 hours after the Boston Red Sox won the World Series in October a merry new meme appeared: The Red Sox are the new Yankees!

December 10, 2007 | Feature
Having a Laff Yet?

Ricky Gervais’s spoof on celebrity is more serious than you might think.

November 26, 2007 | Feature
New Labor

When did striking writers become more sympathetic than stagehands?

November 19, 2007 | Features
The Embers of Gentrification

A few years ago, it seemed that bourgeois New York, like the universe, was expanding infinitely. But the Red Hook Real-Estate Slowdown Theory of Yuppie-Hipster Equilibrium suggests otherwise.

October 15, 2007 | Feature
A Five-Minute Call for the Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations!

No art form lives and dies by word of mouth quite like the Broadway show. And this fall, you’ve likely heard that quite a few shows are supposed to be good.

October 15, 2007 | Intelligencer
We’ve Mets the Enemy

The true fan appreciates the choke as much as the big win.