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Did Melania Trump Rickroll Us All at the Republican National Convention?

Last night, Melania Trump, wife of presidential hopeful and baseball-cap lover Donald Trump, gave a speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. This morning, people have questions. Did Trump make good on her promise to write the speech herself? Did Trump knowingly lift chunks of her speech from one Michelle Obama gave back in 2008? And, most important, did the lady Trump waltz into the RNC and land a large-scale internet joke by Rickrolling us all?

If, somehow, you’ve used the internet and managed to escape the simultaneous torture and pleasure that is a good Rickroll, allow us to explain and kill the joke: You link a friend to something they actually want to read — but the link takes them to the YouTube page for Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” music video. Or you splice some clip from it into another video, or you call your friend and whisper the lyrics into the phone, and so on and so forth. Or, if you’re Melania Trump, you just wedge a few choice Astley lyrics into your big speech: “He will never, ever give you up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever let you down.”

Of course, Trump probably didn’t know she was quoting one of the most famed artists of the 21st century. (Just like she didn’t know she was quoting Michelle Obama.) Either way, that didn’t stop the internet train from chugging along and turning Trump’s speech into a true Rickroll video. Enjoy spending the rest of the day with 1987’s most annoying tune stuck in your brain.

Did Melania Trump Rickroll Us All?