John Mccain - Intelligencer
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John Mccain

  1. benghazi
    Susan Rice Defends Her Remarks on Benghazi John McCain’s going to be so mad!
  2. international affairs
    Frank Rich on Maddow: John McCain’s ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Foreign Policy“Bomb, bomb, bomb, fill in the blank.”
  3. crotchety senators
    John McCain Wants a Public Apology from Susan Rice He also wants President Obama to stop getting mad at him.
  4. crotchety senators
    John McCain Was Especially Crotchety TodayHe snapped at a CNN reporter.
  5. President Obama Got Angry Today“If Senator McCain and Senator Graham want to go after somebody, they should go after me.”
  6. crotchety senators
    Juxtaposition of the Day: John McCain’s Increasing Crotchetiness EditionHow he responded to Colin Powell’s endorsements of Obama in 2008 and 2012.
  7. President Obama Dusts Off Temperament Attack for Mitt RomneyRomney, like McCain, has a “shoot first, aim later” approach to things.
  8. the great switcheroo
    John McCain, Sarah Palin Both Right About the ‘Great Switcheroo’An Obama-Clinton ticket would win, but there’s no upside for Clinton.
  9. mistakes
    Cheney Meant to Criticize McCain, Not PalinIt’s really all the same thing.
  10. history repeating itself
    GOP Blasts Bachmann’s ‘McCarthyistic Witch Hunt’She’s finally found the limit to what Republicans will tolerate.
  11. early and awesome
    John McCain Wants Michele Bachmann and Her Islamophobia Off His LawnBachmann has accused Huma Abedin of being a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood.
  12. Frank Rich on the National Circus: Mitt Can’t Wait Out His Tax StormEven his own party wants to see what Romney made and paid.
  13. stuck in the mittle
    McCain ‘Personally Vouches’ for Romney’s ReturnsBut he still doesn’t think Romney should release them.
  14. veepstakes
    McCain Reveals Romney’s VP Pick to Some InternsShocker:  It’s a boring white guy.
  15. fun-raising
    John McCain Helpfully Accuses Romney Campaign of Benefiting From Chinese MoneyBad surrogate! Bad!
  16. national security leaks
    McCain Says Obama Ultimately ‘Responsible’ for National Security Leaks“The president may not have done it himself, but the president is certainly responsible as the commander in chief.”
  17. politics
    McCain, White House Battle Over Security LeaksHe says they broke the law for political expediency.
  18. memorial day
    Here Is John McCain Calling a Heckler a JerkDuring a Memorial Day speech.
  19. the third terminator
    How Much Would a Bloomberg Endorsement Even Help Romney?We’d say a moderate amount, if you know what we mean. 
  20. half-imaginary conversations
    John McCain Finds the Idea of Sarah Palin for Vice-President LaughableThis time around, anyway.
  21. international intrigue
    Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb SyriaJohn McCain wants air strikes on Syria.
  22. game change
    John McCain Prejudges Game ChangeHe’s not going to watch it because it’s unfair, he’s decided. 
  23. john mccain
    John McCain on Leno: Citizens United Is the Supreme Court’s Worst DecisionMcCain also had some unkind words for Rick Santorum.
  24. oh congress!
    Congress Somehow Manages to Become Even More UnpopularJust get it over with, John McCain.
  25. john mccain
    John McCain Breaks Down the GOP Field With David LettermanMcCain offered a mild defense for the candidates’ gaffes.
  26. fake campaign ads
    Our Ad Suggestion for ObamaThe president could play up John McCain’s accidental endorsement in 2012.
  27. mavericks
    John McCain Briefly Endorses President Obama“With the leadership and the backing of the American people, President Obama will turn this country around.”
  28. the hunt for red november
    ‘Nobody Cares’Jon Huntsman reacting to John McCain’s endorsement of Mitt Romney.
  29. senate fight!
    Chuck Schumer Plays the 9/11 Card Hard In Argument With John McCainHe was only trying to defend the good name of Long Island.
  30. all the president’s moves
    Watch Sixteen Politicians and Dignitaries Get Their Groove OnWho’s got the moves?
  31. mavericks
    Time for John McCain to Retire … This JokePaid staffers and blood relatives.
  32. the oracle of omaha
    Warren Buffett’s Kids’ Cartoon Is Coming to TVApparently it’s seen some success as an online-only endeavor.
  33. mavericks
    John McCain Estimates That Regulations Kill ‘Billions and Billions of Jobs’That seems off.
  34. mavericks
    As Bad As Things Are, Americans Still Glad They Didn’t Pick John McCainThat’s gotta sting a bit.
  35. early and often
    The GOP Could Guarantee Obama’s Defeat Just by Fiddling With the Electoral College [Updated]This is very bad news for President Obama.
  36. libya zero hour
    John McCain Worked to Arm Qaddafi in 2009Now he’s talking tougher in the opposite way.
  37. rachel maddow
    Maddow: ‘We Have a Creepy Level of Comfort With Dictators’As she reminded Letterman, things with Qaddafi used to be a lot more cozy.
  38. important ceilings
    Sharron Angle Defends Tea Party’s Similarities to Hobbits“As in the fable, it is the hobbits who are the heroes and save the land.”
  39. early and awkward
    A Recent History of Politicians Mispronouncing WordsFrom ‘corpsman’ to ‘nuclear’ and a bunch of other stuff too.
  40. important ceilings
    John McCain Would Neeeever Play Politics With the Debt CeilingEven though he has.
  41. early and awkward
    John McCain Answers Strange Question With Obvious AnswerHe’s not running for president in 2012.
  42. early and often
    John McCain Blames Illegal Immigrants for Arizona Wildfires“They have set fires to keep warm.”
  43. spreading santorum
    Rick Santorum: John McCain ‘Doesn’t Understand How Enhanced Interrogation Works’You’d have to be TORTURED to understand it really, see?
  44. osama bin killed
    John McCain: Stop Your Lying, Bush–Torture ApologistsOh, snap, maverick.
  45. revolt like an egyptian
    McCain Lands in Libya, Calls Rebels ‘My Heroes’Leading hawk gets hawkier.
  46. early and often
    John McCain to GOP Candidates: Be Honest About Your Past PositionsHeh.
  47. revolt like an egyptian
    Kerry Speaks Up on Libya While Fighting Continues in the EastRebels maintained control of the port city of Ras Lanuf.
  48. mavericks
    John McCain Surprisingly Not an Expert on TechnologyHe didn’t know iPads and iPhones are made in China.
  49. revolt like an egyptian
    The U.S. Position on Libya: No-Fly Zones Versus Asking the Saudis to Supply Weapons (Again)This all feels uncomfortably familiar.
  50. party like it’s 1999
    Why Mark Zuckerberg Might Not Be Happy That Investors Think Facebook Is Worth $65 BillionStupid, no good secondary markets.
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