Displaying all articles tagged:

John Mccain

  1. John McCain Blames Obama for OrlandoA bizarre attack that might even embarrass the man at the top of the GOP ticket.
  2. republican party
    As Trump Pans Republican Party Unity, Palin Targets Paul RyanJust another 24 hours in the national implosion that is the Trump-era GOP.
  3. Here’s How the Democrats Aim to Turn a Trump Nomination Into Senate ControlA new ad against John McCain is a preview of Democrats’ broader strategy to make every race a referendum on Trump.
  4. foot in mouth disease
    Donald Trump Won’t Apologize for Saying John McCain Is Not a War HeroOn Sunday morning, Trump refused to back away from his remarks and vowed that he would not drop out of the race.
  5. the national interest
    John McCain Mocks Marco Rubio for Pulling a McCain on ImmigrationThat pathetic coward is renouncing his own immigration bill!
  6. early and awkward
    John McCain Wants to Know More About His Imaginary Chat With Ted CruzSo he can continue mocking him mercilessly.
  7. journalism
    Face the Nation Host Bob Schieffer Is RetiringOur thoughts are with John McCain during this trying time.
  8. early and awkward
    John McCain Shouts at Jay Carney During His CNN DebutApparently CNN hazes new hires.
  9. mccaintics
    John McCain Is Surprisingly Amazing at Doing the RobotVery spry for 77.
  10. international intrigue
    Not Everyone Is Happy With the Release of American POW Bowe BergdahlSome members of the GOP worry that the Obama administration negotiated with terrorists.
  11. politics
    Arizona GOP Censures John McCain for Being Too LiberalThe maverick’s still got it.
  12. jesus christie
    John McCain Also Thinks Chris Christie Is Doing GreatHe’s one of the few Republicans willing to say so.
  13. oh congress!
    Congress Didn’t Do Much in 2013, Doesn’t Plan to Do Anything in 2014 EitherDemocracy at work.
  14. the national interest
    John McCain: Shaking Castro’s Hand Is AppeasementHow one senator understood every foreign-policy question for all time through one weird historical analogy.
  15. John McCain Wants Ted Cruz’s Nazi Analogy to Get Off His LawnJohn McCain and Ted Cruz hate each other. 
  16. islamophobia
    Three Terrifying Moments in the History of ‘Allahu Akbar’One of them involves Larry Johnson. 
  17. beefs
    McCain Takes on Putin With Op-Ed in Wrong PublicationStill, he gets in some good burns.
  18. que syria syria
    McCain Gets Bored With Syria Talk, Plays iPhone Poker During HearingHe responds, “Worst of all I lost.”
  19. great moments in fox news
    Fox & Friends Thinks Anyone Who Says ‘Allahu Akbar’ Is a TerroristJohn McCain can’t even believe how stupid ‘Fox & Friends’ is.
  20. que syria syria
    Forget Syria, What About Putin’s Stolen Super Bowl Ring?TMZ asks McCain the tough questions.
  21. Frank Rich on the National Circus: Even Neocons Disagree on Mideast InterventionThe Iraq consensus of yore is long gone.
  22. mavericks
    John McCain Okay With Hillary Clinton Being on His LawnJohn McCain praises Clinton as a “rock star.”
  23. mavericks
    McCain Proposal Could Lead to Big Stripper TipsThis would be one side effect of eliminating the $1 bill. 
  24. unlikely bffs
    New BFFs Schumer and McCain Want to Make D.C. Function AgainUnlike the rest of Congress.
  25. stand your ground
    John McCain Also Thinks States Should Reevaluate Stand Your Ground LawsIncluding Arizona.
  26. U.S. Will Arm Syria, Not Sure About No-Fly ZoneEven though the red line has been crossed. 
  27. international affairs
    Clinton Says Obama Is Too Cautious on Syria, Could Look Like a ‘Total Fool’Though presidents usually avoid publicly dissecting their successors.
  28. China’s Obama and McCain Campaign Hackers Had Poor TimingThey showed their hand pretty clumsily.
  29. photo op
    John McCain Hopes He Didn’t Pose With Syrian KidnappersThat would be “regrettable.”
  30. international affairs
    McCain Makes Surprise Visit to Rebels in SyriaHis ongoing push for more U.S. involvement enters a more active phase.
  31. the national interest
    Why John McCain Hates Republicans AgainRand Paul peed in his cereal.
  32. international affairs
    U.N. Hears Rebels, Not Syrian Military, Used Nerve GasSo what about that red line?
  33. joetorious
    Joe Biden Credits Terrible Economy With 2008 Win Or maybe he was just trying to be nice to John McCain.
  34. international affairs
    Syria May Have Crossed Obama’s ‘Red Line’ With Use of Chemical WeaponsNew evidence says they did, “on a small scale.”
  35. Frank Rich on the National Circus: The GOP Goes Benghazi on BostonPoliticizing tragedy before the manhunt was even over.
  36. immigration reform
    Senators Finish Immigration Bill, Opponents Come Together on Plan to Kill ItPut it off even longer.
  37. gun control
    Gun-Control Advocates Say the Senate Bill Isn’t Dead YetThere may be a new deal on background checks.
  38. equal rites
    The Next Five Republican Senators to Endorse Gay MarriageOur educated guesses.
  39. immigration reform
    Gang of Eight Heads to the Border, Sees Live Immigration ViolationA woman tried to climb an eighteen-foot fence a few yards from the senators.
  40. immigration reform
    Business, Unions Stall Immigration NegotiationsApparently they’re not making that early March deadline.
  41. the national interest
    John McCain Doesn’t Understand How Civil Liberties WorkEighteenth-century John McCain: The government would never imprison people without trial!
  42. the final frontier
    McCain Compares Ahmadinejad to Iranian Space Monkey; Twitter Unamused“[L]ighten up folks, can’t everyone take a joke?”
  43. Frank Rich on the National Circus: Hagel Was Bad; His Inquisitors Were WorseMcCain has some chutzpah to criticize the nominee over Iraq.
  44. McCain Gets Angry With ‘Old Friend’ HagelMcCain: “Are you gonna answer the question, Senator Hagel?”
  45. early and awkward
    John McCain Jokes About Waterboarding John KerryTorture is offensive … and hilarious!
  46. early and awkward
    Eight Lawmakers Who Voted Against MLK DayMost people know about John McCain. What about Chuck Grassley?
  47. video
    The Many Cameos of Politicians in TV and MoviesPlus a few first ladies!
  48. benghazi
    Susan Rice to Meet With John McCainMcCain is bringing Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte for backup.
  49. politics
    Heilemann: McCain Changing His Mind About RiceSenator McCain has found himself in somewhat of a “cheese stands alone” situation.
  50. politics
    John McCain Backs Off Susan RiceHe was less crotchety than usual today.
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