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Cable News News

  1. cable news news
    Van Susteren Applauds CNN’s Airplane Coverage Brave.
  2. dumb things
    Megyn Kelly Won’t Say Fort Hood Shooter’s NameUseful.
  3. cable news news
    Ronan Farrow Takes a Beating From Golden Girls, TabloidThe new MSNBC host is already facing anonymous gossip.
  4. cable news news
    CNN Tried to Rent Its Own Plane for Flight 370 CoverageThe network eventually settled for a simulator.
  5. journalism
    CNN Employees Caught Trying to Sneak Into WTCTwo of them were charged with trespassing on Tuesday afternoon.
  6. cable news news
    Ronan Farrow Daily Chyron Missing Crucial ModifierAbout “WTC jumpers.”
  7. Fox News on Flight 370: ‘Benghazi’It took 12 days.
  8. stupid things
    CNN Now Wondering If Flight 370 Disappeared Into Black Hole or Bermuda Triangle Or maybe a Lost episode?
  9. cable news news
    Fox News Host on Flight 370: ‘It Took 2,000 Years to Find Noah’s Ark …’Bill Hemmer gets in on some of that CNN action.
  10. cable news news
    CNN’s Flight 370 ‘Theme Song,’ Simulator, and Uninformed Speculation Are WorkingRatings are way up since the jet went missing.
  11. stupid things
    CNN Introduces Supernatural Flight 370 TheoriesThere’s only so much breaking news.
  12. are you smarter than a 5th grader
    Fox News Can’t Spell ‘Spelling Bee’Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?
  13. the most important people in the world
    Ronan Farrow Show Set Doubles As RésuméThe precocious new host has an inspirational word cloud behind him.
  14. cable news news
    What You Missed in the Premiere of Ronan Farrow’s Daytime MSNBC ShowA recap of the celeb-host’s millennial-focused debut.
  15. cable news news
    CNN Deports Piers Morgan From Its Prime-Time LineupJeff Zucker heard the American people.
  16. cable news news
    Fox News Picks Up ‘Ragin’ Cajun’ Democrat James CarvilleThis should be fun.
  17. cable news news
    Obama Tells O’Reilly He Blames Fox News for Keeping Faux Scandals AliveBut Hillary got the last word.
  18. cable news news
    MSNBC Fires Writer of ‘Offensive’ TweetAnd apologizes to the RNC.
  19. cable news news
    MSNBC Is Very Sorry for Suggesting Conservatives Are Racist (Again)Mixing babies and political commentary is a bad idea, even if the baby is fictional.
  20. white men with money
    Hannity Confirms He’s Leaving New York … EventuallyWhen his son graduates high school.
  21. white men with money
    Governor Cuomo May Have Convinced Sean Hannity to Leave New YorkFlorida really does sound like a better place for him.
  22. cable news news
    Gabriel Sherman Talks Fox News on Colbert Report“I have sources at Fox News,” says Colbert.
  23. cable news news
    Mitt Romney Accepts Melissa Harris-Perry’s ApologyFor joking about his black grandson.
  24. cable news news
    Harris-Perry Sorry for Romney Grandson JokesThe MSNBC host teared up as she apologized on Saturday morning.
  25. talking heads
    Joe Scarborough Has Never Smoked Pot Because It ‘Just Makes You Dumb’“I don’t get it, man.”
  26. cable news news
    MSNBC Learns Babies and GOP Race Jokes Don’t MixAfter chatting about Romney’s black grandson.
  27. cable news news
    Jay Leno and CNN Are Reportedly FlirtingJeff Zucker has a big idea.
  28. cable news news
    Fox News Secrets Reportedly Worth $8 MillionRoger Ailes’s former confidante cashed in.
  29. cable news news
    Martin Bashir Goes the Way of Alec Baldwin at MSNBCThe host resigned over his Sarah Palin comments.
  30. cable news news
    Jeff Zucker Says CNN Will Soon Have Less News, More ‘Attitude’Like Anthony Bourdain.
  31. cable news news
    Martin Bashir Possibly Suspended Over Gross Sarah Palin Comment An MSNBC spokesperson insists he’s just still “on vacation.”
  32. scandal-stained wretches
    Alec Baldwin Says ‘Fundamentalist’ Gay Advocates ‘Killed My Show’But he has to “take some responsibility for that myself.”
  33. cable news news
    Alec Baldwin Reportedly Fired by MSNBC for Being Alec BaldwinFollowing the “fathead” incident, his show is not coming back.
  34. cable news news
    Sarah Palin Accepts Martin Bashir’s ApologyAfter accepting Martin Bashir’s apology.
  35. cable news news
    Maria Bartiromo Ditching CNBC for Fox BusinessTeam Roger Ailes adds a big name.
  36. cable news news
    MSNBC Host Sorry for Saying Disgusting Thing About Sarah Palin’s MouthMartin Bashir, not Alec Baldwin!
  37. cable news news
    MSNBC Forces Alec Baldwin to Take Some Time Off [Updated]His latest homophobic outburst got his show suspended for two weeks.
  38. party chat
    Ronan Farrow Still Needs a Name for His New MSNBC ShowWe helped him brainstorm.
  39. cable news news
    CNN Hiring Brian Stelter Away From New York TimesThey’re in “advanced negotiations.”
  40. media
    The Daily Show Plays ‘Good or Bad’ With CNNCNN asks, “Is that good or bad?”
  41. fox news
    Gawker Found Shep Smith’s Alleged BoyfriendJust FYI.
  42. cable news news
    Time Warner Will Carry Al Jazeera America After AllAfter it dropped Current TV.
  43. blog-stained wretches
    Fox News Staffers Paid to Leave Positive Internet Comments on Mean Blog PostsAccording to a new book.
  44. cable news news
    Ronan Farrow to Become the Official Millennial of Cable NewsCall it a quarter-life crisis.
  45. cable news news
    Fox News Has the Biggest Computers on Cable, for Facts and StuffWelcome to our dystopian nightmare.
  46. cable news news
    Roger Ailes Is Okay With Occasionally Inaccurate Breaking NewsThat’s good, because the team already messed up.
  47. cable news news
    George Will Is Finally Joining Fox NewsIt’s about time.
  48. cable news news
    Alec Baldwin’s First MSNBC Promo Promises More ControversyHe’ll “restore balance to an unbalanced network,” jokes Ed Schultz.
  49. cable news news
    CNN Hillary Clinton Documentary CanceledBy filmmaker Charles Ferguson.
  50. cable news news
    Newt Gingrich and CNN Are Undermining the Credibility of CrossfireYes, ‘Crossfire’ is back.
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